Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Role Models

I feel that celebrities do have it hard, with their private life shown to the entire world. I think they shouild get their privacy. But the fact is, they don't. And since they don't, I do feel that celebrities have a duty to be good role models. So many people look up to them and emulate their actions.

I'm talking about this, because I'm disappointed by the actions of the people in the limelight lately. I'm talking about the various impaired driving incidents we keep hearing about. Let me list a few examples of offenders:
  • Mel Gibson
  • Chad Kroeger
  • Gordon Campbell (Premier of BC)
  • George Bush (in 1976, but it's still bad!!)
What do we have to do to get it through your heads people!?!?! I know when you kill someone because of your impaired driving, it'll get through your head. But I really hope you stop before that happens.


At 10:09 p.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

If anything it should be an indication to kids that not even the "mighty" Mel Gibson can avoid the perils of alcohol and driving. Instead he only contributes to the culture of "oh so what if you get drunk, what else is there to do at a party". Yeesh.

At 11:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother's husband told me that if I listen to Nickelback (or watch Mel Gibson movies), that means I endorse impaired driving. Also, he said that anyone who things pedophiles are bad but listens to Michael Jackson's music is a hypocrite. My cousin changed the subject before I could start ranting about how someone's personal life shouldn't be the main draw to the entertainment medium they produce, or the political policies they uphold. Private and professional are different things. But not in Barry's world, so I guess that means that since Barry likes the Roughriders, he believes it's good to spread HIV and assault people at bars and sleep wth other people's wives...

But anyway. Just thought you'd like to know. According to Barry, I've obviously been wasting my life all these years with SADD, and what I should be doing is PROMOTING drinking and driving!

Barry is special.

At 11:03 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to say that celebrities shouldn't act responsibly...they should, as should everyone. EVERYONE. I think celebrities as role models is a stupid concept. They're human like everyone else. Everyone sucks. Don't look up to sucky people, kids!


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