Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Yay Me!!

Just went for a 2.4km walk!!

I normally walk to the river and follow the path along the top of the riverbank. This time, I did that, but also tried the path along the bottom of the riverbank. I'd seen people walking on this path, but in three years of living here, have never actually gone down there. It's a very nice path!! For most of it, you can forget you're in the middle of the city, as you're just surrounded by trees. There were some mysterious barrel thingys with wooden tops. Not sure what they're for, but I'm assuming that's where the city dumps it's toxic waste. I would have taken pictures of them, but I don't have a digital camera.

Did well earlier today too. I suck at grocery shoping. Once, I spent $7 on a tomato. Now, in my defense, I didn't even know tomatos COULD cost $7 each. So anyway, I still suck at grocery shopping. But I'm watching my cash outflow right now as I spent way too much for the first part of the summer. I had only $60 to grocery shop with and could only buy enough to fill my bookbag, as that is how I carry my groceries home. You may think I'm crazy, but I find it ridiculously easy to spend $60 and only get 2-3 bags of groceries. I had a list prepared today of what I needed and I also brought my calculator along, so I wouldn't get surprised at the till with a total over $60. I figured the calculator would stop me as I got closer to $60. So, I'm shopping and it's going quite well. I got everything on my list, in addition to one more thing. My total was around $39, but it was customer appreciation day. So, you either get 10x Air Miles or 10% off. I took the 10% off. So, my total was only $34. 73!!!! And $15 of that was just the meat I bought. So, I'm super happy that I still have $25 for groceries in the coming weeks. I shouldn't need to buy meat again for a while, so I'll just need to replenish my fruits, veggies, and milk really. Oh, and I bought a bread maker a while ago, so now I make all my own bread. I have to do it about every 3-4 days, but that's fine with me because then I always have bread that was made very recently!!

Today was a good day for me. I also cleaned the bathroom as that needed to be done. Hopefully tomorrow goes just as well!!


At 10:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

We used a bread machine religiously for years. Loved the bread. Loved not paying $3 a loaf. Then it broke, and we never replaced it... Maybe I should check out the new models and rediscover my inner baker!

At 10:55 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

I'm still like a little kid with it. I stare in the top and watch the dough get mixed and remember all the times I kneaded bread and am glad that I don't have to do that.

Man, the pioneers would LOVE to see a breadmaker.

At 10:56 p.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

Hope that tomato was good :-D

I spend about $11/bag average, and get 3 at a time usually.


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