Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Just a bunch of stuff

So, I've been in Weyburn for most of July. I'm in Saskatoon this week and while I was gone, a sandbox was built in my backyard!!! It's very exciting. It sure is tempting to go play in it. And now my landlords are working on building a fence around the backyard. We're on a corner with a very busy street on one side. My landlords have two kids under the age of two, so I figured they'd eventually build a fence to keep the kids in. So, lots of exciting stuff happening in my backyard.

The Saskblogs meet is this Saturday! I'm actually getting excited. So, this better be good!! I'll be so disappointed if I get disappointed. Haha. Anyway, I'm going to make a cake and attempt to decorate it like the Saskatchewan flag. It will either look good or be a complete flop. In which case, I'll just mix all the icing together and it'll probably be gross looking...a mix of yellow, orange, and red food colouring icing. So, let's all hope I'm successful in my decorating. I've printed off a couple pictures of the different areas of the flag, so I can reference to them while I decorate.

I have a SADD meeting on Sunday. I just picked up a sweatshirt from the university that they donated for a door prize at our next conference. So, I will be bringing that to Regina to give to Tim. This is probably my last meeting for SADD and hopefully it will be short. I'll be heading back to Saskatoon after it once again to spent hopefully two weeks in Saskatoon before coming home to Weyburn for a friend's wedding.

Still looking for a job. I'm waiting to hear back from 2 jobs and I don't really have my hopes up for either of them. So, I'm more hoping to hear from someone who wants to interview me. That would be great.

Squeakers is coming to Saskatoon today. Our van needs ANOTHER new transmission. And for those of you who don't know the story...we got a new transmission a year ago on August 2, 2005. If we a get a new one here, it will be our FIFTH since then. Ridiculous, I know. Anyway, the transmission died in Saskatoon, so every time the van needs a new one, it has to come here. The upside is, after spending something like $1500 on a new one, the rest of these have been on warranty, so it's not costing us anything other than gas to get up here.

It's Taste of Saskatchewan this week!! About 30 restaurants set up in Kiwanis Park and offer small portions of their food. You buy tickets for $2 each and meals cost one or two tickets each. It's a good chance to sample food from a restaurant without shelling out $30 and finding out you don't like something. Last year they had deep-fried Mars bars...I was too chicken to try it. But if they have them again, I'll try one. So, if you're in Saskatoon anytime before the 23rd, check it out!!'s my birthday on Saturday!! Yay!!!


At 9:00 p.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

Taste of Regina is on too, I think on Saturday as well so people can head there before the 1PM BBQ for breakfast possibly?
Pilot is helping out with the BBQ coals.


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