Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Here Comes the Controversy

OK, we all know I have some controversial views and I don't back down from them, so here's another one. And I really might get my ass kicked over this one. However, I do encourage you to try to change my mind.

So, one of the issues being discussed around the evacuation of Canadians from Lebanon is whether people who are just there visiting should get first priority to leave. What's being said is, "A Canadian passport is a Canadian passport regardless" and that people who live in Lebanon permanently but who have a Canadian passport should get equal priority. I think this is bullshit. I'm sorry, but the only reason they still have that passport is because we allow dual citizenship. My guess is that if we said "yeah, you can move to Lebanon, but you have to give up your Canadian citizenship" then most of those people would have dropped Canada. Well, screw those people! Why should my tax money pay to evacuate them out of a country they chose to live in?? Am I also expected to billet some of them when they come to Canada?? What are their plans when they get here, they don't even have anywhere to live!!

Now, I'm not saying that these people don't have the right to be evacuated. I think all the people who live in Lebanon (regardless of citizenship) should be allowed to leave and go to a refugee camp until the fighting is over. But I don't get why they should have to be shipped all the way to Canada on our bill. Are we expected to pay for them to come back too once the fighting is over??

Anyway, this is really my first reaction thoughts on the situation. As I said, if you disagree, it's now up to you to convince me why these people should get first dibs on the boats out of Lebanon and planes to Canada. I may not have all the facts, so go ahead and enlighten me of any I may be missing.

And please don't kick my ass for saying out loud what a lot of people are thinking on the inside.


At 9:57 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

I agree, but I don't think The visitors should get the priority either, because they new what they were going into when the decided to vacation there. It's a fucking warzone....has been for a long fucking time. You can't expect that to stop overnight. Even if you didn't have this there would probably still be rouge attacks from people who believe they should still be fighting.

At 10:22 a.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

See, my argument for evacuating the visitors is that at least those people pay taxes! If you live in Lebanon, you're not paying Canadian taxes.

And countries like this need visitors. For a lot of war-torn countries, they have areas where tourism is a major economic force. Many countries in this area cite tourism as their number one industry.

As for the concept of citizenship itself, I really don't think that when Mackenzie King introduced Canadian Citizenship, he meant for it to be used in the way it is right now.

At 1:58 p.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

I too think there should be some method of priority based on residence, since it seems obvious enough that there are not 40,000 accidental Canadian tourists in a tiny country in a war torn region of the world.
Every Canadian should get out, but each should have to pay for their evacuation, if not in full then at least what they can afford.

At 3:46 p.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

Offtopic: I think the Saskblogs gathering in Kipling should be Sept first or second, so I can make it. The 3rd conflicts with football, and 4th is a Monday and would be nice to be headed back home at that point.


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