Monday, October 24, 2005


Well, the final exam schedule FINALLY came out. The way our university works is that in the middle of October, they put out a tentative exam schedule. You look at this schedule and if there are any conflicts, then you report them to the exam office and they'll fix them. Conflicts meaning that there is a rule that you can't write 3 exams in 24 hours. So, if you have an exam at 9am, 2pm, and 9am the next morning there is no conflict. But if you have 2pm, 7pm, and 9am the next morning then a conflict exists. So, once all the conflicts have been reported and the schedule adjusted, the finalized final exam schedule comes out at the start of November. This year they've had some trouble, so the tentative one just came out today. The first years are like "whatever" but all us upper years are like "it's about damn time!!" So anyway...

My exam schedule KICKS ASS. I only have 3 finals this semester which is amazing. So, I have one on the 8th, one on the 15th, and one on the 16th. In terms of having 2 in a row, I don't care. The first one is the easiest test to write, so all is well. Basically, if I can finish writing on the 16th, maybe work that weekend, then I could go home on the 19th which would kick ass. Of course, this all really depends on what the situation is at work. But I'm going to cross my fingers. Cause I want some time away from that damn Subway! And let's also cross our fingers that my schedule doesn't change...I've never had a change before between tentative and final, but it can happen. Let's hope if it does change, it changes for the better!!


At 11:22 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

we don't want you at I'm just kidding..or am I??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! EVIL!!!!!!!!!


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