Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I have to say that I find it hilarious that Blogger doesn't have the word "Blog" in it's spell check. Just seems odd.

In other news, Shanna finally got her credit card. It's a Visa Classic II Student. Which means I don't have to pay a yearly fee! So yeah, it came with loads of "agreements" for me to read. So, right now, as I'm awake at 2:12am, I'm going to read them, in an attempt to fall asleep. I got my Visa so that I could build a credit rating. I've been told that now even SaskTel does a credit check before they will hook you up. So, I figure I don't have anything, not even student loans, so I'd better build a credit rating. And sincer I'm a student, it's the best time to apply as credit card companies are begging me to get their card. But I just went to my bank and said "I need a credit card" and they said "here, fill this out and get a Visa." It was really that simple. It took almost 3 weeks though to get it. But now that it's here I can start using it. For every $1 I spend, I get 1 reward point! Which I can use to get various things. So basically, instead of writing a cheque for tuition, I am going to pay it using my Visa so that I can get the points. That should rack them up fairly quickly. Other than that, I'll use my Visa for online purchases. It will not leave my house though. I will only make calculated puchases so as not to go into credit card debt.

Anyway, that's my rant about my new Visa which I am very proud of!! I know there are other stories about credit cards (many of them horror stories), so feel free to share!!

Wow, and now that I spellcheck this post, the word "Blogger" isn't even in their dictionary!! How crazy!!


At 3:06 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

One time I used a visa card to buy a spanish man's kangaroo pup with the black lung and scurvy and all it did was lay there and die....what a rip-off.

At 3:16 p.m., Blogger Pilot said...

man you can get your money back Andrew! Visa has like purchase protection on that kind of thing!

At 4:51 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

Sorry Jeremy. I actually read my insurance doesn't cover living things.

At 4:52 p.m., Blogger Steven said...

Not even me?

At 6:45 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

Sorry, no.


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