Friday, October 21, 2005


Have you ever been told that it's all about what you know?? Well, it's not. It's all about WHO you know. It really is. Life, getting ahead, everything is connected to the people you know.

For example, I'm very interested in politics. I had to write a self-assessment in a class of mine. My prof was able to tell just from reading it that I am very interested in politics. So, she gave me a contact for an MLA here in town. So, I now have a meeting with an MLA to discuss women in politics. I guess she feels there's really a need for young women in politics, so my prof figured she could help me out. So, this is awesome. And it's all about who I know. You make so many connections in school. But don't think that school is the only place it can happen. You make connections at work, at the bar, through friends, everywhere. Use them. Treat people well and you'll be rewarded in the end.

On another note, I went downtown today to talk to another business owner for a class of mine. I didn't get the business owner, but I talked to one of her employee's who was very helpful. Unfortunately, the office was downtown. So while I was downtown I went shopping. I really needed new pants, so I not only got 2 pairs of new pants, but this really kick ass sweater that even Michelle will have to say is a great sweater cause it really is. And of course because I was in the mall, I had to buy a book. God I'm dumb sometimes.


At 6:44 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you get to meet with an MLA, might get you started in politics! Then you can tell someone else about your views!!! :-) hahaha and then you just have to become prime minister so I will actually vote for someone lol. By the way I now want to see this sweater, send pictures or something!!!! I'm not patient, I don't want to wait till Christmas!

At 12:12 a.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

Michelle, since when did you read blogs, I thought you hated them...This spell shall cover all!!! MMMWWWHHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH

At 12:51 a.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

She hates them, but she still reads them. It's a good window into people's lives.

So, if I were prime minister, would you actually vote for me??? hahahaha I don't know if I would even vote for me :p

And maybe I'll wear the sweater to a bar and get pictures taken. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until Christmas because Shanna doesn't have a digital camera or any kind of camera at all!!! Otherwise, you get to wait until's only 2 months away.

At 5:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if I don't read blogs then I have no idea what my siblings are doing cause if I ask you you just say "read my blog" so I give up, though I won't be writting one any time soon. Go to a bar already and get pics!

At 11:57 a.m., Blogger Steven said...

Ahahahahahaha, oh you Pilon's. Anyways, good to hear that you have a meeting with an MLA. I wish I could have meetings... but really I just don't care.

....Buying books is what dumb people do.


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