Sunday, August 20, 2006

Who's the Most Jedi?? Part 9


Explain the significance of the above number.

In His Image

In who's image? Also, name the short story that is a sequel to this one two years later.

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At 4:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta post this, it's perfect

At 10:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Trash compactor!!! That's the number of the garbage compactor that Han, Luke, Chewie and Leia were in after rescuing Leia from the Death Star detention block. Rumour has it, they discovered an incredible new smell. Hehehe.

2) I always felt the title of that story was somewhat ambiguous. Logic dictates that it refers to Darth Vader since the whole thing is pretty much about him, in a collection of all things Vader. But in the interest of overthinking this crap, technically, this story involved Vader AND clones. Clones, who are in the image of Jango Fett. So, that's another interpretation. And then there's the fact that Vader is looking for a new clone template, so another thought is that it perhaps refers to his new candidate. I have decided that this is a trick question, 'cuz it's open to interpretation. That, or I'm dumb and missed a more concrete explanation. But I stand by my opinion that that's a trick question, as it is subject to interpretation. Or I'm completely out to lunch. I'm going to bed now.

The sequel is Two-Edged Sword (Yay 501st Legion!)

By the by, is anyone else on the verge of an excitement overload for Bloodlines next week? Like, so-excited-I-kinda-have-to-pee excited? (Wait. I actually do have to pee. But, I'm still excited.)

At 2:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

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