Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I Still Don't Get It

So, here's another thing that I just can't wrap my mind around.

Unlike time travel, I kind of think this might be possible...maybe is currently there, but I can't figure out how it would work. Here's the next topic in this small miniseries:

The Fifth Dimension

I have this book, called A Wrinkle In Time and it's a good book but introduces a few concepts that I've never been able to figure out. One is the concept of a 5th dimension. Here is how the book explains the fifth dimension:

OK, so the first dimension is a line, like this one....Now, to get the 2nd dimension, you simply square the line to get a square! Like this one...

Next, you square the square to get a cube, which is the third dimension, such as the one I have here...

Now, to get the fourth dimension, you simply square the cube, and to get the fifth dimension, you square whatever the hell it is you get for the fourth dimension.

This has always baffled me. Just thinking about living in a fifth dimension is beyond my brain capabilities. Now, I went on Wikipedia to see what it had to say about the fifth dimension and I found this handy picture:

I still don't get it. How could anything happen in a fifth dimension, much less a fourth dimension. For some reason, because this book discusses the 5th dimension, I don't even give a shit about the fourth dimension. Maybe I need to understand that before I can understand the fifth dimension. I'm not sure.

Wikipedia states:
"Whether or not the real universe in which we live is somehow five-dimensional is a topic that is debated and explored in several branches of physics, including astrophysics and particle physics."
This supports my supposition that the fifth dimension is not impossible, it's just not something the human brain can support right now. I think the human brain is constantly growing and we understand things better than we did eras ago. I figure hundreds of years from now, we'll begin learning about the fifth dimension in school and it won't be such a crazy obscure idea.

I just want to understand the fifth dimension. Is this like a parallel universe??? Is there another society living among us right now, just in a different dimension?? Or is this actually an impossibility that we're just trying to make a possibility??


At 10:39 p.m., Blogger Pilot said...

And what controls chaos theory?

At 10:53 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

And who is Abe Lincoln?

At 2:48 p.m., Blogger John Murney said...

I'm still trying to discover if there is life on Earth. So far, I haven't found any!

At 2:16 p.m., Blogger northtwilight said...

I'll send you one further.

This is perhaps the most elegant and succinct explanation I've ever seen.



At 8:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read a wrinkle in time too, and i had the same prob. i couldnt imagine it, but another book with a sort of similiar sci-fi idea is the second book in the golden compass series, its called the Subtle Knife. This kid has a knife that cuts through the world he is in, to another parrallel world, it is almost like every single time you make a decision you could have made a different one and at that moment of decision, billions of worlds are created to have a different decsicion play out and others are destryoed. weird but if you grasp the idea its pretty cool.

At 11:07 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

4rth dim is time which reflects everything u see. The thing is that ur eyes r design like that to make u realize the environment around u as u r suppose to do by our nature.(example:we don t need to produce energy from light as plans do) It doesn’t meen that smth does not exists if ur eyes can not see it.(electrons) Any way u can't visualise a shape in 4d without time and u can't investigate the nature of that thing with Newtonian geometry.

At 4:46 a.m., Anonymous dude said...

i read a book about the fifth dimension... and as far as i can tell: the 4th dimension is time! but you can translate time also into 2 further dimensions which are like the first three ones units of length. so that's where you get the 5th dimension from...


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