Saturday, April 29, 2006

For the Ladies

I don't think the guys will want to read this post. Especially those related to me. It's more a girl-thing. So, this is your warning...

So, I totally went shopping and spent like $140. But that's great, because I got 2 bras, 2 tees, and 1 other shirt. I expected to pay $140 just for the bras.

I totally bought a PURPLE bra. I've never bought anything but white and black before. But I LOVE my purple bra. It's great. Maybe I should go back and buy the matching undies.

I also got this awesome green t-shirt that like laces up at the front kinda. I just like it because I like the shade of green. It's really rich.

THEN, I bought this other kick ass outfit. It's like a white tank top (boring, I know). But the other shirt I got is just like a half-shirt. It has long sleeves and just kinda like ties in the front and is only long enough to go to like the middle of my back. So, you put on the white shirt, then put the blue one on over-top. It looks AWESOME. And I LOVE the shade of blue. I'm not sure if the blue looks good on me or not, but I don't care, because it's pretty.

OK, it's official...I'm becoming a girl.


At 1:25 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy the matching panties. Matching bra & panties are hot.

At 10:34 a.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

Not on her.

At 1:20 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...


At 7:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your far from becoming a girl, you gotta get matching shoes and a purse for those new shirts. Not sure if women get matching shoes for the undies but hey that might be hot.

At 9:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok honey!!! you got ripped off!!! $140!!! holy shit! I would have cried, though good work on the purple bra and I agree must have with a matching set! And a matching purple purse and shoes...*sigh* I want to go shopping. Oh and then you've got to get the jewelery and then the eyeshadow to highlight the features to go with the outfit. And then you need a wallet to go in the purse to match the wallet, and sunglasses in case you're in the sun while wearing the outfit or maybe even a bathing suit to match the whole attire...ok the sad part is that if I look at all the shit I have I'm pretty sure I have all those things that would match perfect in a pale pink!!! Well you're almost a girl but you've got some catching up to do to get the "girly girl" certification :-p!!!!!


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