Thursday, June 01, 2006

Screen Names

When I was in about grade 6 I believe, I needed a screen name for the internet. I was in the computer room of our house with my friend Michelle and we decided to find a name. We grabbed the dictionary, opened it to a random page and pointed at a word. Soulfood was the word. It's been my online alias ever since.

How did you all get your screen names?

(Jeremy, I want to know the story about Fluffy, not just Pilot)


At 5:26 p.m., Blogger The Navigator said...

Which one, Darth Nuke or Gavin. The Gavin one is easy. I've always liked that name. The Darth Nuke one is from back in the day Steve, Jon and I had the club, The Pests. We were all sith and kicked major ass(come to think of it, we still do). About the only thing I could draw was a Nuke explosion so therefore I was obseesed with them. I called myself Darth Nuke while Steve was Darth Fudge and I can't even remember what Jon was, I think jon's came along a little later than me and Steve's but I'm not positive.


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