Sunday, May 14, 2006

I Can't Think of a Title

I'm a shitty blogger when I'm in Weyburn. The juices just don't flow there.

But now I'm back in Saskatoon!!! So, here's a boring update on my life...

Just met my new roommate and she's great!! Really nice and soft spoken. She'll be good.

Start classes tomorrow. Turns out I have Comm 402. I hadn't even had a clue which class came first. I checked today, but just only realized that I didn't check what room it's in. Shit. I'll have to go do that. I bought my 401 book from a friend today, so that's taken care of. The 402 book is just like a reading package, so it should cost less than $20. Awesome. Both of my profs are sessionals and new, so I have no idea what to expect as I don't know anyone who's had them. Should be interesting. But it's only 6 weeks, so if it's not a good experience, it should be over quickly.

Other than that...nothing. I'm leading a boring life right now. I applied for a job in Regina as an Administrative Assistant at Concentra Financial and I'm really hoping it comes through. It sounds just perfect for me. So, I have my hopes up which probably isn't a good thing, but whatever. I'm allowed to be excited.

Anyway, that's about it!!


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