Friday, April 07, 2006

The End of an Era

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
"When all else fails, play dead"

Well, if you missed it, tonight was the LAST EVER Red Green show. The 300th episode. It was so incredibly good. What a great show, Red Green. It didn't try to teach you was entertainment, pure and simple.

Handyman's Corner featured Red building a perpetual motion machine. It cut corn off corn stalks with a fan powered by a lawn mower. The corn was thrown into a kitchen sink, run through a garberator, and mushed. The mush fermented until it became ethanol fuel, which is better than gasoline, because it makes your exhaust smell like popcorn. The ethanol fuel was then pumped back into the lawn mower to continue the motion of the machine. As well, the seeds from the corn were put back into the ground, to continue the cycle, thus creating a perpetual motion machine.

The finale really brought the show to an end. Bill reminisced on all his adventures with Red and ended up running off with a pretty nurse in a nice car. Harold got married and became a man.

The men even learned a new prayer:

The Revised Man Prayer
I'm a man,
And I changed,
When I had to,
Oh well.

I guess the one disappointment is that Ranger Gord was absent. No sign of him during the finale...what a shame.

Although Red Green is now gone, I know he will live forever. For many years in syndicated episodes, and then in our mind. In the words of Red Green:

"Whenever you hear the sound of a fresh piece of duct tape being ripped off the roll, I know you'll think of me"


At 10:29 a.m., Blogger Pilot said...

Did he end with "Remember, Keep your stick on the ice"?

At 12:09 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

Him AND Harold said it together...Harold in a deep, manly voice.

At 6:00 p.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

I taped it last night, and am going to pop it into the VCR later this evening.

At 5:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never liked that show. =/

(Though my taste is...questionable, at best!)


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