Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ahh, the Controversy

I'm gonna get some hate comments here, but the answer to that last Jedi question is:

"Less than 12"

Not 12. Sorry. But less than 12 and 12 are two completely different things.

I have a cute little bobblehead carebear who's bobbling it's head at me right now. It's so cute!!!!

Anyway, check out this link. Turns out Jesus didn't walk on water, he walked on ICE! Pretty sure everyone knew that one already. But here's proof.


At 2:59 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

Ok...I know the controversy is here, but I have many sources in which it is Twelve, including a book that says the time in which he gets it.....I can show you them too if you want.

At 6:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the damn movie and it tells you otherwise, straight from Han's mouth. I don't care what your little books say, the movie is the canon source.

At 6:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also. Where the hell do you get a bobblehead Care Bear? Oh my gosh, I want one!

At 10:25 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

Andrew, you're going to have to show them to me. So, come up in May and bring them then.

I believe I got it at Claire's. Although it's possible I may have gotten it at Carlton Cards. I'll show it to you on Saturday. It can bobble in the middle of the table while we have our conference call.

At 3:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just 'cuz it's in a book doesn't make it true. Case in point, the novelization of The Empire Strikes Back describes Yoda as blue. Either I'm colorblind, there's something seriously wrong with my television and every other televison or movie theatre on thid planet, or Yoda isn't blue. Moral of the story: Books lie!

And yes, I agree that the Care Bear should be an integral part of our conference call. Maybe I'll bring my bobble-head Spider-man, and they can bobble together! Hehehe.

At 3:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every since this great invention with moving pictures. Books are obsolete. Point of my story Watch more Tv read less books. If they wanted you to read the Star Wars books, why would they make a movie??

At 11:45 p.m., Blogger Pilot said...

People are more concerned about a stupid movie than scientific evidence debunking a major religion.

Bravo people. Bravo

At 11:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh. Is scientific proof really necessary to convince me that religion is a crock? No, no it isn't.


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