Thursday, March 23, 2006


I bought some crackers. They were on sale for $0.99. Now I know why. They smell like playdough and taste like what I imagine ass would taste like.

So, I just applied for an internship...that's actually the first thing I've applied for in the entire time I've been worrying about what to do after graduation. But that's just my problem...I want a job lined up, but I don't know what I want to do. My mom asked "well, don't you know what kind of jobs you can apply for with your degree?" And my answer is, "I know...I just don't want THOSE jobs." So, did I pick the wrong major?? Yes. And I knew it within like 3 months of picking it, but it was too late to go back. And I'm even thinking Commerce wasn't even the best idea. But I don't think I'll ever regret my commerce's helpful. I'll be a lot richer than I would have been without my degree.

So yeah, I've started working on some internship applications. Also, I checked out some of the crowns, but none of them have good openings right now. Plus, I don't need a job until July and most of the openings are for much sooner than that.

I'm watching a Bailey's commercial. I'm going to have to try that whole "dipping a burning marshmallow in a glass of Bailey's and then eating it" thing. Might be good.

Anyway, not too much to say. Just felt like I needed to update.


At 12:39 a.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

I'm commenting just to make you happy, I really have nothing to say back. Good luck!

At 4:15 p.m., Blogger Pilot said...

I'd be worried that the flaming marshmallow would light the alcohol in the Baileys. But that's just my paranoid brain talking.

At 10:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. I was always taught that alcohol is flammable. Maybe the concentration in Bailey's isn't high enough, so it's definitely a worthy experiment. But don't try it with Jack Daniels. Or if you must, use a really, really long stick so you can be far away.

I like to burn things.


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