Saturday, June 24, 2006


So, I came home to a message on my answering machine on Friday. It was from Freedom 55. The hiring manager had read my Letter to the Editor and wanted me to phone him to discuss the opportunities at Freedom 55.

What the hell!!??? I spent like 4 months interviewing there last winter before finally deciding to quit because I didn't want the job anyway. Now, he wasn't the one interviewing me, as he moved into this position just this year. However, I did meet him during one of my interviews and spent some time talking to him. I know his sister from school and so some time was put aside for me to meet him.

I'm glad people are noticing my letter, but it kinda sucks that they don't remember who the fuck I am.

On other topics...I'm not sure if I mentioned, but I went for an interview with RBC last Monday. I was really expecting to hear back from them by the end of the week. Well, I didn't. So, I'm still sitting here wondering whether or not I'm getting the job. In the meantime, I have to CONTINUE applying for other jobs. So yeah, that sucks.

I spent yesterday giving tours for the Alumni reunion on campus. We had commerce students who graduated in 1956 and 1966. It was so much fun! We had such a great group and they were really enjoying themselves. It's so satisfying to bring someone into one of the old buildings, to convocation hall or the airplane room, and hear "Wow, this is why I came!" Makes it all worth it.

Anyway, I'll probably blog a bunch this weekend. I have a bunch of homework to do, including a take-home final. So, knowing me, I'll be procrastinating and blogging instead of doing my homework. Like I'm doing right now.


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