Saturday, February 25, 2006


Well, SADD had its first pubcrawl tonight! I think it was a pretty good success for that small of a pubcrawl. Here's the details:

We had 25 people. If you have 50 or more, the pubcrawl is free. Ours was not. We were told the pubcrawl would be $125...we paid a $50 deposit...we had a $50 off we calculated that it would cost us $25, to be paid the night of the pubcrawl. We get there, he's like, "Ok, $75" And we're like, "what?" Turns out the $50 is not a deposit against the pubcrawl, it was only for the purposes of ensuring that we didn't wreck the bus. We were confused. So, the pubcrawl cost us $50 more than we expected. We had ordered 30 t-shirts and were selling tickets for $10 with a t-shirt and $5 without a t-shirt. So, thank-god everything worked out. What happened is, everyone wanted the $5 tickets. Which actually worked out in the end. Those tickets managed to cover most of the $75 cost of the pubcrawl. We still have 15 shirts left over which we can now sell just on their own for $10. So, if we can sell those, then we will definitely break-even, if not make a little bit of money. So, in the end, our club did not go completely under due to this pubcrawl.

And I think everyone had fun. I sure learned some interesting things. Like Brooke's DJ friend has a hot girlfriend whom Brooke once made out with. Good to know Brooke, good to know.

So in conclusion...Does anyone want a t-shirt?? Only $10!!!!!

I've included some shitty webcam images of the t-shirts.

P.S. Pilot, if you buy one of mine, I'll buy one of yours!


At 11:14 a.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

Save one for the next time you see me, I'll buy one.

At 8:22 p.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

What size?? And just send money with the parents when they come up in March.

At 12:29 a.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

a really big one...XL. No matter who tells you L is good enough give me XL. I like my t-shirts to be too big.


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