Saturday, December 03, 2005


"Imagine all the people, living for today."
-John Lennon

What do you think?? Should we live for today, or live for tomorrow?

I think we should live for today. Sure, I plan for the future, because I want there to be another today. But overall, I would say that I live for today. That's why I procrasinate. Because I want today. I don't want to do my work so that I have tomorrow. I want today, and I'll worry about tomorrow once it becomes today.

What's everyone else's thoughts?


At 12:00 a.m., Blogger Pilot said...

People in 12-step recovery programs will tell you that they take things "One Day at a Time". And in your personal life, that may work.

But living for today ignores the consequences of your current actions. I could live for today and spend my maychequw, but then I wouldn't be able to afford food or a home to live in.

Conversley, living too much in the future causes too much worry and stress.

Lennon was trying to tell the story of his Utopia in "Imagine". What I think he was trying to get across is that the world would be perfect enough that we wouldn't need to worry about tommorrow, because the problems would be solved. We could just live for now.

At 12:20 a.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

I just want to insert here, that I didn't want to get into a whole discussion about the entire song "Imagine". I just picked out that one line. I think a discussion about the entire song could get too long and yeah....

And to respond to Jeremy....

consequences shmwonsequences

At 12:38 a.m., Blogger Pilot said...

But the line must be taken in context of the song!

At 8:58 a.m., Blogger Soulfood said...

No! If I had just written something about living for today and not even mentioned the song, you wouldn't even have said anything!! I don't want to talk about the entire song! Just the idea of living for today vs. living for tomorrow.

At 4:05 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

Let's talk about the song!! Ya, I think you have to have a good balance of both.

At 9:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Procrastination....the one true thing you actually learn in University! You should get a degree for PRocrastination 101!!! I'm definitely in live for today have a grasp of tomorrow but make your day better, no matter how much you plan life fucks with it so you end up hating life anyway, so hell have fun while you can, work will always be there.

At 6:25 p.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

Star Wars rules, no matter what it is, you can explain it with Star Wars.


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