Saturday, December 10, 2005


So, I"m at work tonight and this guy comes in. Well, let me set the scene for you here:

S = Shanna, a worker at Subway
CC = Crazy Customer

S = "Your total is $7.05"
Customer pulls out $7 and a handful of change.
S = "I'll take 5 pennies if you want to get rid of them...although maybe you want to keep them so you have one when you need it."
CC = "No, I'll keep them, because I'll invariably need them. In fact, that's the purpose of the GST, to justify the fact that pennies are still manufactured."

OK, last time I checked, the purpose of the GST was to make money.

Man, the shit you hear at Subway from the crazies.


At 11:29 a.m., Blogger Pilon, A said...

GST is a tax to make money off of, Just like the Galactic Senate in Star Wars taxed the trade federations, although, that was also for punishment purposes.

At 12:24 a.m., Blogger Pilot said...

But they say that if they changed the GST/PST to 5% the penny could be phased out.

Like that time Obi - Wan cut Dart6h maul in half.


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